Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Composer Friends- Guido

I am Guido. I lived in Italy a thousand years ago. I was a music teacher. I was the very first composer. I invented music notes and the music staff so that other composers could write music.

Would you like to hear one of my songs?

Song: Ut queant laxis

Listen carefully and see if you can hear re,mi, fa, sol, la as they sing! The beginning of Solfege!! Guido de Arezzo is the founder of a special tool that you can learn and teach your children, just like in the Sound of Music. I will show you how!

Book List

I will be posting specific songs to sing with your children through the weeks, but here are a few book titles that you could purchase for your own home library:

Also, these are two excellent books for helping to empower you as a parent and teacher in the home:

And hopefully, by the end of the week, something to sing with your children! I'm still getting organized. :)

Happy Singing!

Music in the Home

My dear family and friends, this blog has been a long time coming...

Due to the nature of my posts, much of what I may share has some kind of open copyright. Although, I do have permission to share with friends and family I would appreciate it if you would also site your source to give credit to my sources that have been so helpful to all of us.

I have many friends, family, students, and parents of students that ask me how to incorporate music into the home. Many of these people are already doing wonderful things to develop their children's musical abilities. Here are some ideas, and hopefully, I will have time to post my weekly activities so you can impliment them in your home too.

I would love to know what works, what didn't, suggestions and comments on all I post so I can improve my own and your family and school applications.

Happy singing!