Wednesday, April 24, 2024

The Lonely Burden of Today's Teenage Girls


    The Lonely Burden of Today’sTeenage Girls

    Amid our huge, unplanned experiment with social media, new research suggests that many American adolescents are becoming more anxious, depressed and solitary


    Mary Pipher and 

    Sara Pipher Gilliam

    Aug. 15, 2019 11:35 am ET

    “I have friends with debilitating problems like cutting and OCD [obsessive compulsive disorder],” a girl named Jordan recently told us. “It’s frustrating because I can’t help them. I mean, I’m only 14 myself.”

    Young Americans have become unwitting guinea pigs in today’s huge, unplanned experiment with social media, and teenage girls like Jordan are bearing much of the brunt. In conversation after conversation, adolescent girls describe themselves as particularly vulnerable to the banes of our increasingly digital culture, with many of them struggling to manage the constant connectedness of social media, their rising levels of anxiety and the intense emotions that have always been central to adolescence.

    Girls in 2019 tend to be risk-averse, focused on their studies and fond of their families. They are also experiencing high levels of depression and loneliness. A 2019 survey by the Pew Research Center found that 36% of girls report being extremely anxious every day. They are particularly worried about school shootings, melting polar ice and their ability to afford college.

    Girls in 2019 tend to be risk-averse, focused on their studies and fond of their families. 

    Over the past 18 months, we have conducted interviews and focus groups with around 100 American girls aged 12 to 19 and their mothers, most of them Midwestern and middle class. (We agreed to withhold their last names.) We have also interviewed many more teachers and therapists around the country. That sample isn’t comprehensive, of course, but the results are highly suggestive and strikingly consistent—with much to cheer but also much to worry about.


    As a young person (or a parent to one), how do you handle the challenges of social media and other pressures? 

    Many girls report that their mothers are their best friends. The close-knit family unit has, for the most part, rebounded as divorce rates have dropped to a 40-year low.

    But girls today aren’t as self-sufficient as their counterparts in earlier decades: They are less likely to possess driver’s licenses, work outside the home or date.

    They are also more solitary. Research from the University of Michigan’s Monitoring the Future project shows that, since 2007—the dawn of the smartphone era—girls have dramatically decreased the amount of time they spend shopping, seeing friends or going to movies. We found that many girls spend their Saturday nights home alone, watching Netflix and surfing social media.

    The glow of screens is unavoidable. Last year, the Pew Research Center reported that 95% of American teenagers have access to a smartphone. The nonprofit group Common Sense Media has found that contemporary teens spend six to nine hours a day online—and that 72% of teens felt manipulated by tech companies into remaining constantly connected.

    Because of the omnipresent smartphone, girls can call or text their parents to ask what’s for dinner or request a ride home. Many girls are rarely out in the world alone, solving problems by themselves.

    When girls do eventually leave home, they often find themselves ill-prepared to navigate “real life.” In 2011, the American College Health Association reported that 31% of female freshmen said they had experienced overwhelming anxiety or panic attacks; by 2016, that had shot up to 62%.

    ‘When my friends are depressed, I’m the person they call. It’s terrifying.’

    —Olivia, age 14

    “When my friends are depressed, I’m the person they call,” said Olivia, 14. “It’s terrifying. I’ve put suicide-prevention apps on so many peoples’ phones.” We are grateful for girls like Olivia who help their friends, but teenagers aren’t ready to handle this level of emotional responsibility.

    How did we get here? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in 1993, girls scored the highest levels of suicide ever recorded. From 1994 onward, rates of suicide steadily declined until 2007, when they started to skyrocket.

    The American Association of Pediatrics now warns that too much social-media use can lead to depression and anxiety. Social media works against basic developmental goals—physical, cognitive, relational, sexual and maturational. Girls sleep with their phones and react to every notification. As they create more interesting, supposedly happier virtual personas for themselves, their real selves diminish. Girls collect “likes” instead of making friends. They can be devastated by a cruel text or a tepid reaction to a selfie. Long before they hold hands with a date, they are exposed to online pornography and misogynistic messages.

    In a sense, modern girls are never truly alone and never truly with others. In a 2018 national health survey by Cigna, girls reported the highest levels of loneliness on record.

    “Honestly, sometimes I wish we were living in the ‘olden’ days, when kids hung out with friends and went on dates,” Genevieve, 16, told us. “But that just isn’t what my friends and I do.”

    Many of the girls we interviewed articulated many of social media’s drawbacks even as they declared that they can’t live without it. “After an evening online, I go to bed feeling unhappy,” Izzie, 13, told us. “I wonder, ‘What did I do all day long?’ Then I wake up and do the same things the next day.”

    Fortunately, parents have many ways to ameliorate the effects of social media. To combat the creation of hollow online selves, parents should encourage identity-building activities such as team sports, meditation or volunteerism. Beginning in middle school, parents can nudge girls toward navigating the world on their own: Part-time jobs can teach patience, persistence and people skills, and girls can schedule their own medical appointments or plan family events.

    Girls can also develop their true selves through writing, music, drama and the visual arts. Journaling helps girls process complex feelings. So does meditation and time spent in nature.

    We also suggest that girls make pacts with their friends that help them spend more time in the real world—for example, a commitment to put down their devices after 9 p.m. or remove social-media apps from their phones during the school week. These agreements let them all be offline at the same time—hence, none of the dreaded FOMO (fear of missing out).

    Times have changed, but girls’ needs haven’t.

    Times have changed, but girls’ needs haven’t. They need to be loved and loving—to be safe, useful and free to grow into all they can be. The role of thoughtful parents hasn’t changed either: Mothers and fathers need to protect their daughters (and sons) from the culture’s noxious elements and connect them to life’s goodness and beauty. In an increasingly complicated world, much of the answer is simple: Unplug and do the things families have done since the beginning of time—tell stories, laugh, work together and talk through life’s big questions.

    This generation of girls, we found, is particularly eager to make its opinions heard and defend its rights. “I stand up for myself and others,” Greer, 16, told us. “It gives me hope, because when other girls accept themselves like I do, we can take all that energy and launch the Industrial Revolution of girl power.”

    —Dr. Pipher is a therapist and clinical psychologist. Her books include “Reviving Ophelia: Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girls,” which was recently republished by Riverhead in a 25th-anniversary edition coauthored with her daughter, Sara Pipher Gilliam, the editor in chief of Exchange, an international magazine for early childhood professionals.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

How to Develop Your Ear: Part 1- Finding Your Head Voice

Music in the Home, Every Day, Every Way!

“Psychological complexes are more difficult to overcome than physiological misfits are to adjust,” G.B Lampert.

After my last post, there were requests for app suggestions to help develop your voice. I am in the process of reviewing a plethora of options but the glaring issue of not singing “monotone” should be addressed first. I wanted to give some quick helps that you can use today, in your home, and with your children to improve in-tune singing.

Locating “both” voices

I hesitate to oversimply this, but in short, you have two voices, the head voice and the chest voice. With children I refer to the head voice as your “singing voice” and the chest voice as your “speaking voice”. Inability to get in the head voice or stay in the head voice does NOT mean you are tone deaf. It just means you or your child need to practice. 😊  This can be achieved in so many simple ways. For a child it is fun and playful, for an adult you may want to do this in the shower or during your solitary commute if you feel a little silly. This is truly the first step to in-tune singing. If you hear someone singing “monotone”, this is why, and this is how to correct it!

1.       Start as high as you can and sing “whoo” down and up again. Imagine you are a ghost in a haunted house scaring some trespassing teenagers. This will help you to slide into your head voice. Try putting a bucket on your head while you do this. It not only magnifies the voice, but contains it to a safe environment if you are feeling shy.
2.       Vocal play: When you go up the stairs, show it with your voice. When you lower the blinds, sing them down with the slide of your voice. When your two-year old plays with his cars, have him brum-sing going up and down. When you zip up a jacket, sing that jacket up. When you call your children to dinner encourage them to sing responses to your “Din-ner” (G-E) with a “Com-ing” (G-E).
3.       Sing! Sing! Sing! Make singing a part of your routines. Don’t make a big deal about it. My mother would sing “Now the Day is Over” almost every night when I was a young child. I remember her changing keys three or four times over that two line song. She sang “La Cucaracha” and “Happy Birthday” and “Let us All Speak Kind Words to Each Other”, NEVER on pitch, but always musically. She sang with her heart. I still love sitting next to her at church as she boldly sings the hymns. Her joyful song has always given me confidence to sing next to her. Sometimes she would giggle when she went out of tune, but she sang on. Make singing normal in your home. Find ways to add it to your family meetings, to disciplining, everything. A favorite song from a friend is “Whiners, Pouters, Shouters Never Get,” (basically sing those words over and over to the tune, “If You’re Happy and You Know it.”)

 In the morning when I wake up my girls I sing “Good Morning to You.”

 Eventually, this simple, cheerful melody can be sung as an easy round in three parts. 

Another friend taught us the tradition of when you go through a tunnel while driving on the road you sing a note with the word “tunnel” for the duration of the tunnel. 

Eventually my girls have started to harmonize to my note.

As you use your head voice, your ear will naturally take control of the vocal cords and with time your ear and voice will find confidence in singing in a group. But you must practice. A playful vocal child does these voice sliding exercises over and over in a day. Make sure you and your children are too.

What do you do to bring music into your home? 

Friday, February 2, 2018

So your instrument is a picket fence?

So your instrument is a picket fence?

Who hasn’t sung in their bed, or in the car, or the shower where we think we are safe from judging ears? Surely anyone that has grown up with jump roping, camp songs, or simply the radio can relate private experiences where they hazard to sing.

But you sound like an old picket fence! Jagged, uneven, and never returning to the same note you started on. Or maybe you don’t have that smooth open control of Celine Dion when you are jamming out to your favorite song on the radio.

So you “don’t sing”. Not for anyone. Maybe you know you “don’t sing” or maybe someone told you that you shouldn’t. I am here to tell you. You are wrong. They are wrong. You can sing. And you should. I am going to tell you why your picket fence is perfect.

It is said,

that which we persist in doing becomes easy to do, not that the nature of the thing has changed but that our power to do has increased.”

It is often assumed that if you can’t sing you are—tone deaf. There are two problems with this statement. First, singing is a complex physical act, but almost without exception, everyone is capable of singing. Secondly, tone deafness is an American urban term implying that you are incapable of hearing differences of musical pitch accurately.

Lets address the first problem, that you “can’t sing”. The reality is to sing is to play your own musical instrument. This instrument is special to you. No other voice on earth will sound like yours. They can try, but your tone and timbre is specific to you. You have vocal chords and a body making up your sounding box.

The second issue, according to the Liszt Academy a good musician can be summarized as
1.       A well-trained ear
2.       A well-trained intelligence
3.       A well-trained heart
4.       A well-trained hand

All four develop together in equilibrium. So many instrumentalists focus on the development of their hands. I will address that issue in a later post, but the important thing to note is that the ear is trained.

Was there always music in your house growing up? Was your father a passionate violinist organizing chamber music and your mother accompanying on the piano?

Not likely. More likely your family was like the average American home. You listened to the radio, your parents played their favorites, and may have even attempted to fit in some kind of piano lessons into your busy teen or preteen routine.

As a parent, you work very hard to shape your child’s heart. You demand they do their homework and chores before play. You teach respect and responsibility. All of these things do not come easily. They take time and training. What do you do to train your ear? How do you do it? Are you as persistent with training your ear as you are potty training?

Now I am not suggesting that ear training is paramount to the accomplishment of getting your toddler to sleep through the night without a diaper, but I am suggesting that it can take that much effort.

I was told by a professor that not only is “tone deafness” an urban legend, but that it is corrected, sometimes easily, and sometimes with a bit of training and persistence. True story. This same professor gave the example of a man that could trace his “tone deaf lineage back to the Civil War.” Within three months of ear training, this gentleman was singing on pitch.

Would you expect to play perfectly the day you picked up a flute or set of drum sticks? Ridiculous. It is equally ridiculous to think your picket fence voice can be concert hall quality after a few times sung.

So start singing.

And for those musicians out there that are super focused on “playing” and haven’t yet developed their ear, you have a deficiency. Even keyed and fretted instruments come to favor certain notes without an educated ear. Don’t believe me, how much easier is it for you to play in the key of C Major than the key of C Minor? That’s ear training. You need it. We all do.

Check back soon for a post on How to Develop Your Ear.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Composer Friends- Guido

I am Guido. I lived in Italy a thousand years ago. I was a music teacher. I was the very first composer. I invented music notes and the music staff so that other composers could write music.

Would you like to hear one of my songs?

Song: Ut queant laxis

Listen carefully and see if you can hear re,mi, fa, sol, la as they sing! The beginning of Solfege!! Guido de Arezzo is the founder of a special tool that you can learn and teach your children, just like in the Sound of Music. I will show you how!

Book List

I will be posting specific songs to sing with your children through the weeks, but here are a few book titles that you could purchase for your own home library:

Also, these are two excellent books for helping to empower you as a parent and teacher in the home:

And hopefully, by the end of the week, something to sing with your children! I'm still getting organized. :)

Happy Singing!

Music in the Home

My dear family and friends, this blog has been a long time coming...

Due to the nature of my posts, much of what I may share has some kind of open copyright. Although, I do have permission to share with friends and family I would appreciate it if you would also site your source to give credit to my sources that have been so helpful to all of us.

I have many friends, family, students, and parents of students that ask me how to incorporate music into the home. Many of these people are already doing wonderful things to develop their children's musical abilities. Here are some ideas, and hopefully, I will have time to post my weekly activities so you can impliment them in your home too.

I would love to know what works, what didn't, suggestions and comments on all I post so I can improve my own and your family and school applications.

Happy singing!